Why do I need a private transportation service in Los Cabos?


Last Updated on January 2, 2019

Why do I need a private transportation service in Los Cabos?

Are you looking for a few days of rest, relaxation and fun? So you’ve made the right decision if your destination to fulfil those plans is Los Cabos.

This small Mexican corner, located specifically in the peninsula of Baja California Sur has become over the years in the first choice of many, because the variety of activities and places it offers are perfect for having an unforgettable dream vacation.

Although those days without stress and worries that you expect so much are given in their entirety without any inconvenience, you must plan every detail of the trip in advance, especially the transportation (if it is Los Cabos), because nothing is more important than your safety and comfort at the time of getting to this destination.

So, if you want to know a little more about Los Cabos and what is the best type of transportation in this destination, for your trip to be perfect, then take a few minutes and read the following lines and you’ll see that you won’t regret it.


Los Cabos as an ideal destination

Let’s talk about this beautiful place first. As already mentioned, Los Cabos is a small Mexican treasure, ideal to spend a few days with unique experiences thanks to the charming tropical desert environment it offers.

In Los Cabos you can do so varied activities that you could easily relax on the beach one day, while admiring that incredible blue that gives you the fusion between the Cortes Sea and the Pacific Ocean, and the next day do something completely different like get to know the culture and colonial architecture of the place, or go to a party that does not end and have fun like never before.

All this is thanks to the fact that Los Cabos is specifically distributed into 6 zones, each with its own charm and which offer you different activities and environments, which is perfect for you to vary during all vacations or, why not, stay in the area that pleases you most.

If you are looking for a party atmosphere, for example, Cabo San Lucas and Pacífico are the places for you. But if you’re passionate about culture, art and quieter environments, places like San José del Cabo and Todos Santos will give you the experience you’re looking for.

The Tourist Corridor is the place for golf lovers, and for marina lovers there is no better place than La Paz.

Knowing a little about each area can help you make the decision of which one you want to stay in, but with so much diversity, even though you stay in your favorite area, you’ll probably want to know more about all of them during your stay in Los Cabos.

However, you should keep in mind that, although these areas are not extremely far from each other, it is true that to get to each one of them you must use some form of transportation because they are located at:

As you can see, the transfer to each of these areas is something you must take into account, because with such distances walking is not an option, is it?

That’s why you must be wondering:

What are the transportation options offered by Los Cabos?

As you can imagine, taxis and public transportation are obviously an option that the destination offers (as well as most destinations worldwide), however car rental and private transportation service are also quite valid options and widely used in Los Cabos (especially the latter option).

However, is it not only enough to know what options you have to get to the destination, but also to know which is the best option for transfer in Los Cabos? Especially if what you have in mind is wanting to know how that transfer will be from the airport to the hotel.

So… let’s see then what advantages each one of these has and in this way you will be able to draw your conclusions to know which is the ideal one to be used during your vacations.

Public transport is usually an option when you want to save a little money during your trip. However when it comes to the transfer from the airport to the hotel we must admit that it is the worst option.

There is no sense in wasting time waiting for it to arrive outside the airport and it is also not ideal to say goodbye to the comfort that another service can offer you during this first transfer during your vacations, as the only thing you are going to achieve with that is fatigue and bad mood. So public transport should be more than discarded.

On the other hand, taxis and car rental are obviously more valid options than public transport, but they still have their flaws.

Taxis, for example, can sometimes charge more than they should, and at the same time it’s a service that won’t necessarily be waiting when you need it without wasting valuable holiday time.

You can easily avoid a long waiting line for taxis when leaving the airport if you discard this type of transport for a more suitable one, in which you can blindly trust and be sure that you will pay the right amount.

And in the case of car rental just remember that: New city + First time tourist =time lost, tiredness and bad mood.

You don’t have to be a genius to know that this equation is true, because if you travel for the first time to a city and opt for the rental of a vehicle at the time of moving to the hotel you won’t enjoy the tour for trying not to get lost.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t opt for that option for the rest of the trip, but wasting time waiting and arranging the papers for a car just when you arrive doesn’t sound like an ideal start to a perfect vacation.

Then it is more than clear that the ideal option is the Private Transportation Service.

However, you may still be wondering why do I need a private transportation service in Los Cabos?

It is not so much a whim to “want” to use a private transport. The reality is that in Los Cabos it is very necessary, especially when we talk about transportation from the airport to the hotel and vice versa.

And we’ll see why.

The private transport service gives you a lot of advantages, apart from everything obvious that is comfort, safety, quality in their vehicles and services and punctuality.

Opting for a private transportation service gives you the opportunity of:

  • Making stops on the way to the hotel
  • Having extra accessories (such as a baby seat) if you need them
  • Resting assured that there will be capacity for any number of people you are traveling with.

In addition to this, hiring a private transportation service gives you the opportunity not to fall into the hands of the famous “Airport Sharks”.

Then for these and more reasons, the whim passes to necessity.

Of course you need a private transportation service in Los Cabos, and not only that, you need to trust that you are hiring the best service, knowing that it will not take an eye off your face.

So… How do I know I’m hiring the best private service in Los Cabos?

It’s pretty simple.

You just have to make the service you have in mind go through a quick and simple filter.

A private transportation service is good if:

  • It has a good reputation (Tripadvisor Reviews)
  • It’s a legal business
  • It can accommodate from small groups to large groups
  • It has a quality website
  • Its booking system is simple
  • It provides constant communication with the user
  • It goes beyond just offering a transportation service

Sure when reading all those items you must be thinking that it is impossible to get a service that is that good, but the truth is that all those are just features of the best transportation service in Los Cabos: VIP Transportation Los Cabos.

This transportation service, besides fulfilling all the requirements of that filter and ensuring a high level of attention, also complies with the three items also mentioned about capacity for large groups, frequent stops and accessories.

If we go a little deeper into the subject of stops on the way, by hiring VIP Transportation Los Cabos you will have the opportunity to inform in time if you want to make a stop at one of the three best places you can get to do your shopping during the trip to the hotel, being these:

  • Walmart of Los Cabos San Lucas.
  • Costco de Los Cabos San Lucas.
  • California Ranch Market.

In addition, it is a bonus when the company goes beyond only offering a service of transport, because in addition to worrying about the comfort and security of its clients, all are usually received with a cold Corona, a VIP attention and the customers have the option to ask for several accessories or to make requests to the company if thus they wish it.

Seriously, with a service with this quality, what more could you ask for?…. Ah, yes, don’t let it hurt your pocket… and indeed, VIP Transportation Los Cabos doesn’t do it at all.

So… like you already know, Los Cabos as an ideal destination and Private transportation service as your ally, that’s all you need for the perfect vacation!

Come to Los Cabos and enjoy.

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