What is the best form of transportation between your hotel and the airport in Los Cabos?


Last Updated on December 28, 2019

You have arrived in Los Cabos International Airport and you find yourself in paradise! However, this is only the beginning, now you need to go to your hotel so you can start enjoying everything Los Cabos has to offer. But how are you going to get there? That is exactly what we want to talk about today! Let’s discuss the different transportation options you will have once you arrive in Los Cabos. 

Uber: Uber is extremely convenient and easy to access from your phone. However, they do bring some level of stress to your day. Sometimes they are difficult to locate, or the waiting areas are unorganized and moved around by airport staff. There is not much you can do about this except deal with the long wait times that you may encounter. 

Public Transportation: In Los Cabos, you will find different taxis and buses that go all around the city. They are very affordable and easy to spot. However, public transportation has as many disadvantages as advantages.

Firstly, public transportation is often crowded which means you will probably won’t have space for your luggage. It also takes a long time to get to your destination since public transportation has frequent stops. Likewise, public transportation stops might not be at your exact destination. This means that you might end up walking to your hotel, not so glamorous, right?

Car rental: Car rentals are convenient and can be reserved in advance. However, driving in a different country can be more intimidating. You will also have to worry and pay for parking, which makes this option one of the most expensive ones. 

Private Shuttle service: This option is safe, efficient and easy to work with! This option is reliable and it allows you to have the best time since the very beginning of your trip. If you want to learn more about private transportation we invite you to read this blog. 

Now that you have read about each option in more detail you are ready to choose the best method of transportation for you! We hope you reach out to VIP Transportation Los Cabos so you have the transportation service you deserve. 

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