Wait Time in Los Cabos


Last Updated on August 3, 2018

Wait Time in Los Cabos

Everyone knows that travelling is a universal activity that makes even the bitterest of hearts happy. The feeling of discovering a new place and breathing in a different environment is the cure for any disease.

That’s why the faster you discover the Wanderlust spirit that is hidden in every existing being, the faster you will enjoy the wonderful experience of traveling.

However, not all good travel experiences are acquired simply by choosing any destination and throwing yourself into without a parachute.

Although improvisation is one of the keys to a world full of possibilities and experiences, when it comes to travel, not everything should be improvised.

This does not mean that your entire trip should be completely planned, because if you prefer to arrive at your destination and leave everything flowing and go where the wind takes you, there is no problem.

But, if it is true that there are some things that should not be improvised, or that you should simply know before the trip, so that everything goes as smoothly as possible and without a hint of stress.

Avoiding stress during the trip is the perfect way to ensure that your whole mood and energy remains intact from the start of your vacations to the end, allowing you to enjoy every second with a big smile and no worries. That’s the importance of these “previous data”.

And with these “pre-data” we mean important details such as finding the perfect destination, and after that, plane tickets, stay, transportation from the airport to the hotel, activities you can do at the destination, among others.

Among this short list, the most “complicated” thing is to select the perfect destination, which is not really a task of another world if you know what you are looking for your vacation.

Let’s suppose that what comes to your mind is a mixture of tradition, fun, and obviously, sand, sea, and sun are included. There’s no better place with that description than Los Cabos. And that’s how easy it is to achieve a desert paradise as your ideal destination.

So, if Los Cabos is your destination, it is an almost mandatory task that you take the time before the trip to acquire knowledge about it and as a result, everything flows in a better way.

Like this, the organization of your time during the trip, even if it is improvised, will be more profitable, especially if you include the Waiting Times of the activities and places of destination in the pre-departure information.

Every second of your time is valuable, especially during a trip because the idea is to make the most of every moment. That’s why nothing will help you more during the trip than having an idea of how long you have to wait to use a service, to do an activity, to wait for a taxi, or for anything you can imagine.

Then, if you want to acquire all this information based on the beautiful little piece of heaven called Los Cabos, you are in the right place. A few minutes on the following lines and you will be an expert on the subject.

Waiting Times in Los Cabos

To know the waiting times in this magical destination, you must first have an idea of the variety of activities you can do there.

As mentioned earlier, Los Cabos is considered an ideal destination for a dream vacation, and this is because it is a completely eclectic environment that suits all tastes.

In Los Cabos, you have everything from outdoor activities, such as visiting the famous Cabo San Lucas Arch, to quiet strolls through its colonial streets in towns like San José del Cabo and The Magid Little Town of Todos Santos.

You can also find an incredible variety of restaurants of all kinds (from national to international food), and most importantly, in Los Cabos you will find the most beautiful hotels and resorts in all of Baja California.

Among so many activities, there are obviously some whose waiting time you can save from home (such as hotel reservations); or activities whose wait times simply depend on the number of tourists or the season in which you travel (such as the number of visitors to the beaches, galleries, tours, etc.).

However, with this in mind, let’s talk a little bit about an approximate waiting time in certain categories where you can give an estimate, so that your plans don’t vary so much because you had to wait longer than you thought you would in some activity.

Waiting times in restaurants.

Los Cabos, being a mostly tourist town, can be as full of visitors in a low season as in the high season. However, with such a large number of restaurants, you won’t always have to wait an eternity for a table.

Most of the restaurants in Los Cabos have the reservation choice. In this way, your waiting time is likely to be minimal, which is ideal if you want to enjoy every second of the trip.

It is usual that when you want to try new flavors in a new destination you go straight to Google to tell you which are the best places in the locality to do it.

Therefore, when you have a slight idea of the restaurant you want to visit, try to make a reservation so that you can avoid unnecessary waiting time.

On the other hand, if you didn’t have time to make a reservation, or the place did not have that option, and you just have to go straight to someplace and wait for the best, here are some tips to keep your waiting time from being an eternity.

In this opportunity, Google will be your most reliable friend not only to tell you which places are the best to enjoy the amazing gastronomy of Los Cabos, but to give you an idea of the time of day when you can go to them.

But how?

One of the things you can do after you get a restaurant that catches your eye is to go Google maps and there you can see a “Popular Times” reference recently implemented in restaurants, which will give you an idea of the hours when the restaurant is usually fuller. This will definitely save you a lot of valuable vacation time and make you enjoy every second to the fullest.

And of course, this happens if we talk in general. Without leaving loose ends, let’s also mention a few places and their busiest times to give you an idea of the options you have.

If you go to San José del Cabo, for example, two places you can visit are Don Sánchez and La Osteria.

Don Sanchez, for example, is open every day of the week from 2 pm. However, it is usually more crowded from 7pm to 10pm.

And La Osteria, which opens Monday through Saturday from 11 am, has a higher flow of people from 8pm to 11pm.

Therefore you can enjoy their delicious food without having to wait so long if you decide to go in the afternoon.

However, if you are on the sides of Cabo San Lucas, the options could be Bajo La Luna, open every day from 12pm and whose busiest hours are from 6pm -10pm; and on the other hand there is Salvatore’s Restaurant, open from 11am-3pm and 6pm-10pm and which you can enjoy most in the noon hours as it is usually fuller from 6pm -10pm.

And a little outside of Cabo San Lucas in the Tourist Corridor you can also find the Sunset Monalisa and the restaurant Puerta Vieja.

The Sunset Monalisa, on one side, opens from 4 pm and its busiest hours are from 6 pm – 9 pm. And, the Puerta Vieja Restaurant, on its own, opens from 11 am and is usually fuller from 5 pm to 9 pm.

Now, if we go to the charming little town of Todos Santos, you can opt for Miguel’s Restaurant option, which opens from 11 am and is usually an older crowd between 12pm-3pm and 6pm-9pm. However, Saturdays are usually full most of the day.

Finally, in La Paz, you can find Sorstis Restaurant, whose attention to the public begins at 2 pm and whose busiest hours are 8-11, especially on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

With all of the above, you already have the necessary information so that the simple act of tasting exquisite Mexican or international food does not become an eternal mission and you can make the most of your time during your vacation.

Airport waiting times.

You’ve already seen that you can easily get rid of the inconvenience of wait time during lunchtime… however, one of the most tedious moments of a trip, and one that you can’t avoid, is waiting time at the airport.

This is why it is important that you have a brief idea of how long it will take you, to be mentally prepared.

To reach your destination (or any area of Los Cabos) you must first arrive at Los Cabos International Airport. This airport is one of the busiest in the country, for providing service to this tourist area, so it is important that you have some things in mind if you prefer to avoid a long wait.

First, what happens if you leave Los Cabos?

Like most airports worldwide, if your flight is domestic you must be 2 hours earlier, and in the case of international flights, you must be 3 hours earlier.

During this waiting time, you will be able to perform all the necessary procedures such as check-in, eat something and simply wait for a call.

Now, if you’re just getting to Los Cabos, the immigration and customs processes, and picking up your luggage are always activities that will take a while, so there’s no choice but to be patient.

It is not possible to give an estimated time because depending on whether the random customs system chooses you to check your luggage, it may take you longer or shorter than usual.

Therefore, when you arrive in Los Cabos keep a positive attitude throughout this process and be patient with as much time as it takes, anyway it is inevitable and not that you will last all your vacation at the airport.

However, it is true that if your flights are in the morning or afternoon, the process may be faster than during rush hour (11 am – 3pm), as it is at this time of day that the Los Cabos International Airport has a higher flow of users.

On the other hand, this airport has some food establishments such as Subway, Starbucks, Sbarro, among others, and exactly as mentioned earlier, as the rush hour is the busiest, it is more likely that you will have to wait much longer at this time if you want to eat in some of these places.

Therefore, whether you are arriving or departing, keeping this information in mind will help you know if you have enough time to wait for your meal if your flight is scheduled near these congested hours.

Knowing all this, there is nothing to worry about, all you need to know now is what will happen when you leave the airport.

Waiting times in Transportation Services.

Now that you’ve taken the headaches out of food and airport paperwork, there’s still one important detail to consider to make sure you don’t waste a second of your trip waiting any longer than necessary.

One of the most important things you should know about is the transportation or transportation services you can find in Los Cabos.

In Los Cabos you can find public transportation, taxis, car rental and private transportation.

But, what about the waiting times for each of these?

It all really depends on when you need the service. Let’s focus on the first time you need one of these, that is, when you leave the airport.

This is one of the times when the decision you make can really change your mood, as it is literally the first experience of your trip after leaving a tedious time at the airport with all the immigration processes.

So, if we analyze it a little bit, the least convenient thing here is to think about public transport for very obvious reasons (loss of time and lack of comfort).

Really, the last thing you want when you arrive at a dream vacation is to wait who knows how long for this transportation and then walk around with your luggage while you look for the hotel where you are going to stay.

And, in the same way, driving and maybe getting lost because you don’t know the area well is not the way you’ve been dreaming of starting that trip you’ve been waiting for.

Therefore, car rental is a decision you can make after you are at the hotel if you really want to avoid taxis and public transport, but for the journey from the airport to the hotel it is not the best option.

This leaves this service out and puts taxis and the private transport service on a scale.

And for you to make the decision yourself, let’s see who wins on that scale.

Would you rather have a new and clean car, with a nice driver service waiting for you right when you leave the airport without wasting time, knowing that you will be comfortable and safe and will not have to worry about anything?

Or would you rather stand in a long line to wait for the service of a taxi that does not guarantee your safety and comfort and that you don’t really know how long it will take?

I think the answer’s pretty easy to figure out, don’t you?

Therefore, in order to keep your waiting time to a minimum, the best thing you can do is to make the decision to use the private shuttle service for that first trip from the airport to the hotel, and why not for other moments of your vacation?

Now, another highlight is that you know which of Los Cabos’ private transportation services is right for you.

It’s not worth the trouble to spend your money on a private transportation service if you end up hiring one that doesn’t have the quality you deserve. It would be like paying more to have the same experience you would have on public transportation.

Fortunately, Los Cabos has one of the best private transportation services for that first trip. VIP Transportation Los Cabos is the ideal place for you to have a high-quality VIP service and not have to worry about anything.

Everything you expect from a good service is surpassed by VIP Transportation Los Cabos, from its vehicles in excellent condition to welcoming you with cold drinks in the warm climate of Los Cabos.

It is a service whose reputation for punctuality, safety, and high quality will leave you impressed and you will want to use it again every time you go to Los Cabos.

Then you don’t have to worry because we got off to a good start to the vacations you’ve been waiting for.

With this Waiting Times Guide, you are more than ready to improvise or plan your vacation properly, appreciate the value of every second and not regret any decision during the trip.

All you have to do is buy your tickets and jump into the beautiful tropical desert paradise that will undoubtedly give you the best vacation of your life.

Los Cabos is waiting for you!

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