Los Cabos: The perfect destination for Millennial Travelers


Last Updated on September 18, 2018

If you are a traveler born between 1980 and 2000, then congratulations! You are part of the generation that is changing the tourism industry today.

This generation is specifically that of the Millennials, which is made up of all those young people who are currently approximately 18-38 years old and who have lived through the turn of the millennium, adopting technology as part of their daily lives.

If you are part of this generation, you know well that what characterizes them (especially the youngest) is their love for technology and social networks, their high standards (they always seek to meet their expectations) and their great love for travel.

For the entire Millennial generation (or generation Y) it is no secret that travel is the best way to enjoy life, one of the ways to know that your life is being successful, and the new way of seeing the world, because most of them prefer to travel a thousand times before thinking about things like family and children.

In fact, the custom of marrying, settling down and having children has been changed in this generation by “getting new experiences through travel”.

That’s why they’ve made this activity their favorite hobby in recent years, as it seems that this generation has been bitten by the Wanderlust bug before birth, causing the tourism industry to be completely updated and adapted to their needs.

But how do they adapt?

The way this generation travels is completely different from the traditional way.

Millennials often travel alone in search of adventure or with friends instead of family, and most often they use technology as if it were their right arm.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that they refuse to go to places without wifi signals, such as forests or destinations related to the environment, because in reality those places far away from the crowd like them (a good post for instagram or facebook with a natural background is never too much).

The truth is that when we say “use technology for their trips” we mean that the most common thing is that the cell phone, tablet or laptop is their ally to get everything they need to make their trip, such as plane tickets, reservation of the stay, tours, etc.. And all of this usually a week in advance (or less).

And you must probably be thinking, “Well, obviously, this is the 21st century, everybody does that, not just the millennials.”

However, this statement is not entirely true. Most of the people who don’t belong to this generation may master the technology and do all the planning of their trip from their cell phones, but I assure you that there are also many who would prefer to leave everything to a travel agency and get over it (which rarely would make a millennial).

That is why there is a detail that is characteristic mainly of this generation and is what makes every destination, hotel, tour, etc., adapted to these young people.

The Millennials are not easy to convince. That is why, although it is true that they could consult with a travel agency about the intended destination, they will never leave their decisions in charge of it, because they themselves must verify and be completely convinced of the decisions of the trip and be sure that everything will go perfectly.

And that’s where their main tool to achieve it comes in.

In order to feel confident that they are making the right decision, they take as the main proof of the quality of a place the opinion of their friends or of the people who have visited the destination, stayed at the hotel they have in mind, etc.

For this generation tools like TripAdvisor are the daily bread, because according to studies before booking a millennial visit a huge amount of pages and tour offers in order to:

  1. Get the best prices.
  2. Make sure that the quality of the place they are going to is exactly what will meet their expectations.

Therefore, it is obvious that for a place to attract the attention of this generation, everything it offers must be easily accessible digitally, and a place with a bad review will be discarded faster than the expected.

However, that is not all. Well, there are other details that are key to the Millennials going to some destination like moths to the flame.

What do millennials look for when traveling?

The key to a millennial being happy with his journey is that the destination offers him an authentic experience. They don’t want to live the same as everyone else, they want a unique experience that will mark their lives.

The idea of going to the most striking tourist sites is not exactly what this generation is looking for, because what interests them is to fill themselves with new experiences, culture, living and shared with the locals and discovering the small gems that each place has for them.

So if a destination has a rich culture, friendly people and of course an exceptional gastronomy, there is no doubt that it will be a place that will attract the attention of this generation.

On the other hand, the quality of the wifi is paramount, especially when it comes to the stay.

This generation not only wants the wifi connection to be free in the hotel, but also to be of high quality and have access to it anywhere in the hotel facilities or the road.

And this is because this generation is used to always being connected to their networks. Most of these young travelers do not wait to get home to share their travel experience on the networks.

They can spend a whole day hiking in a place without a bit of wifi, but when they arrive at the hotel they should be satisfied that they can post what they have done, as 97% of millennials usually post their travel experience during their trip.

Therefore, any place that welcomes you to this new digital age will be the magnet for the Millennials without a doubt.

Knowing all this, if you are part of the Millennial generation you are exactly in the right place because in the following lines you will find the next destination on your list.

Los Cabos: The perfect destination for the Millennials

With the most beautiful scenery, the variety of activities it offers and the warm atmosphere of its residents, Los Cabos is a destination that promises to be everything the Millennials expect when they travel.

Imagine the amazement that can be caused in your life by getting lost in that beautiful blue of the Pacific Ocean or the Sea of Cortez  (or how great a post about the beautiful sunsets of this destination would look).

Or else, imagine the party that will be created in your palate just by trying the Mexican-Marine gastronomy that this destination offers you. Or, why not, get lost in the colonial streets of its charming little towns (streets that with their charm will give color to your social networks).

All this and more make Los Cabos the destination you will want to visit as soon as possible.

Los Cabos has a variety of zones (6 zones in total) whose charm is unique, which is ideal for this entire generation, as a “short” trip is not something that exists in their vocabulary.

A week’s vacation? What for? They can last two or three!

And what more advantage for a long trip than a destination that besides being charming, gives you the opportunity to know different areas (some very different from the others) in which you can spend days thinking that you are in a completely new and different place, and also you can discover in each of these secrets and small hidden gems that have to offer.

It’s something you can only find in Los Cabos.

Among these areas, we highlight first and foremost “San José del Cabo”. One of the quiet and traditional places of Los Cabos, where you can truly enjoy the culture and people of the place. It is a magnet for young people who want to live new experiences and discover the charm of new places and traditions.

After this area, you will find the famous “Corredor Turístico” or “Corredor de Oro”, where the main attraction is golf and its beautiful beaches. Ideal for all nature and sports lovers.

The next area would be “Cabo San Lucas”, one of the places where the Millennials can enjoy an endless night party. It is true that this generation loves to discover the essence of the destination they are visiting, but that does not mean that they are not lovers of a good party too.

So, after a few quiet days absorbing the culture of Los Cabos, the nightlife of Cabo San Lucas is what you need to finish having fun on your trip and have the time of your life!

On the other hand, there is the “Pacific”, where you can enjoy the best views of the sea. One way to get away from the world and enjoy every second is to visit this area, and it’s only a few minutes from Cabo San Lucas, so you’ll have fun at the same time.

Then you will find the famous magic little town of “Todos Santos”. This small town is undoubtedly the place that is taking most of the attention of these young travelers because its charm and originality are incredible.

Todos Santos is a magnet for this generation,  the perfect escape from the crowd, it is the way to get those experiences through which the Millennials have so many desires to travel.

Just a few days in this magical little town are enough to end up completely in love with gastronomy, the friendliness of the locals, the charm of its colorful streets and its incredible way of acquiring the best of the current development without losing its authenticity.

The latter being what so attracts this generation, which seeks to fill itself with Mexican culture without sacrificing its love of technology.

And finally the last area you will find is “La Paz”. This beautiful place is characterized by being a quiet and welcoming town that offers you the most beautiful scenery and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the best luxuries of the Baja California peninsula.

Also, visiting its Malecon is something that should be on your list because it will be enough with a few posts from that beautiful place to make your social networks explode.

Los Cabos is definitely the experience you’ve been waiting for, so pack your bags and think about living an adventure in this tropical desert paradise that awaits you.

And obviously, that adventure must be experienced in the best possible way. So let’s look at some of the things that Los Cabos has to offer to the Millennial generation.

What can a Millennial do in Los Cabos?

You know that visiting each area and getting to know the charms of each one of these is something you should do just because you have to, and that’s it.

However, to make these minutes of your time even more valuable, let’s take a look at some tips and activities to make your trip to Cabo go great and make the most of every second of your adventure in Baja California.

Take advantage of the benefits of your best friend: the Smartphone

As mentioned earlier, most destinations have had to find ways to upgrade and adapt to this new generation, and Los Cabos has done so incredibly well.

During your stay in Los Cabos your Smartphone will be your best friend (more than usual), because if you have no idea what to do or where to go, there are a lot of tours, places to visit and reviews about this destination that you can easily find.

Just by searching for a few minutes and making your reservations online you can have the day’s planning ready without having to kill yourself thinking, or without having to waste your time on some activity or place that is not worth improvising.

So you can rest assured that one of the greatest advantages of Los Cabos for the Millennial generation is that it is literally available to you from the palm of your hand.

Meet the best beaches

Going to Los Cabos and not going to the beach could even become a crime.

With the beautiful beaches this destination has to offer to delight you, it is a fixed point on your list of things to do when you travel to this destination.

Nothing like a completely relaxed day on the beach with a #BeachLifeStyle for the envy of all your fans. The best beaches in Baja California can only be found in Los Cabos.

And some of the best for the millennial generation is to start without a doubt Playa Palmilla and Playa las Viudas.

Both beaches have the great advantage of being Free (something that adds up to points for all Millennials, as offers are their thing 😉 ). On these beaches, you can bring your own food and drinks without having to eat in a restaurant or spend on any other souvenir.

In addition, both are undoubtedly a hidden paradise that does not have so much flow of tourists, but rather of locals, another reason to be a magnet for young millennials!

However, there are also other well-known beaches in Los Cabos such as: Playa Chileno, Playa Santa Maria, Playa Médano and Divorce Beach or Playa del Amor.

Regardless of the beach you choose, you will have an incredible time, because of the beauty of all the beaches of this destination will leave you speechless.

Be amazed by the Outdoor Activities

One of the main outdoor activities that catch the eye of anyone who visits Los Cabos is going to see the famous Cabo San Lucas “Arch”, a local icon. Besides this is very close to the beach divorce, so you can plan a whole day to get to know both and have the best time.

But, to make your experience authentic, the best option Los Cabos has for Millenials is to introduce them not only to a tropical desert paradise, but also to welcome them into an animal universe that will make their mind explode.

Baja California is like an animal sanctuary, and if you’re going on a trip to Los Cabos there are a few places you can’t miss to have the experience of joining nature.

The Estuary is one of those magical places that should be on your list. A place that will leave you speechless for the diversity of flora and fauna that you will appreciate. The perfect place for Millennials who love animals (especially birds).

On the other hand, there is Cabo Pulmo, the most important marine reserve in Baja California. This is the only coral reef ecosystem in the Gulf of California and one of the three remaining living reefs on the planet.

I assure you that during the whole trip this will be the most incredible experience you will have, as you will not be able to compare the wonder of entering a marine universe with anything else. For all those Millennials who love everything about marine life, this is definitely the place to visit.

And also you can find a lot of trails and guided walks among the beautiful landscapes that all this desert area has for you.

Nothing better for this generation than breathing fresh air and having an experience of connection with nature and the world.

And Los Cabos is definitely the destination that gives you the opportunity to make that connection.

Luxury travel for a demanding generation

Finally, one of the services that are important not to miss is the airport shuttle service to and from the hotel.

The Millennial generation is often a lover of public transportation, making adventure and experience more real than a vacation.

However, for your comfort and safety, the best thing you can do at the moment of starting a trip is to invest in a service that does everything possible to make this first experience at your destination the best, the most comfortable and free of any worry and waste of time.

Therefore, ideally, you should go for the safe and hire a private transportation service.

And for one of the generations that demand excellence in the services they hire, Los Cabos has one of the private transportation services that will end up being above the expectations of any millennial traveler who is visiting.

VIP Transportation Los Cabos is the ideal service for all these travelers, because its affordable price for the high quality of service they offer is exactly what this generation is always looking for.

In addition, their reputation at TripAdvisor is impeccable, so it is absolutely certain that they will fulfill their promise to provide you with a punctual, safe and VIP experience that will leave you speechless.

For this and much more, there is no doubt that Los Cabos is the place that will begin to steal the dream of the entire Millennial generation.

This is the perfect destination to have an adventure that satisfies all tastes and makes anyone feel really alive because from its beaches to its tradition, there is much to choose from to make that trip the best trip of a millennial’s life.

Embrace that Wanderlust spirit you have from the cradle and dive into the adventure of discovering the magic of this beautiful destination. Los Cabos is waiting for you!

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